
THCBGang: Delivery & Platform Experts Discuss the Future of Healthcare

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In a recent episode of #THCBGang, host Matthew Holt was joined by a panel of experts to discuss the future of healthcare delivery and platforms. The panel included Vince Kuraitis, an expert in delivery and platform strategies, Kim Bellard, an author and thinker on odd juxtapositions, and Ian Morrison, a futurist. The panel was joined by special guest Kat McDavitt, President of Innsena.

Video and Podcast

If you missed the live episode, you can watch the video below. If you prefer to listen, the audio is also available as a weekly podcast on our iTunes and Spotify channels.

Categories and Tags

The episode falls under the category of THCB Gang. The panelists featured in this episode are Ian Morrison, Kat McDavitt, Kim Bellard, Matthew Holt, and Vince Kuraitis.

About THCB

THCB is a platform where industry experts come together to discuss and debate the latest trends and issues in healthcare. We offer podcasts, articles, and other content to keep you informed and engaged.


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